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A  world built through kindness and love!

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Help The ZenPalz create a night-time sky just by spreading kindness! Put a smile on someone's face today, NAME A STAR just for them!

Name a Star

Magic Carpet Meditation
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Magic Carpet Meditation
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Butterfly Meditation
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Spreading Kindness Meditation
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Calming Rainbow Meditation
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Birthday Candle Breathing
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Birthday Candle Breathing
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Square Breathing With Freya
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Gratitude Breathing With Jasper
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Star Breathing With Kal
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The Tree of Gratitude is a centerpiece of ZenPalz mindfulness projects. We invite children to download the leaves and tree and write what they are grateful for, then paste them on the tree. This activity nourishes the tree and the land with love, kindness, and gratitude. 

Gardening is like a superpower for making you feel awesome! It can help calm your mind when you're feeling stressed, make your body feel strong and healthy, and make you really happy. When you take care of a garden, it feels like you've accomplished something amazing, and it can make you feel really peaceful inside. Imagine having your own magical garden where you can connect with nature and feel grounded. It's like having a secret place where you can relax, have fun, and discover the wonders of growing plants. Let's dive into The Zen Garden together and unlock the magic of gardening!

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